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Craft your campaigns with AI!

Unfortunately, you can't try the AI in demo mode. But after you subscribe to SEOBrrr, you'll immediately have access to generating data and crafting templates with AI.

Sign up now!

Generate data with AI

Use artificial intelligence to help build your data and increase your campaign's reach. We'll use your existing data as a guide. Add additional context for better results below.

At least 2 data rows must already exist before you can leverage this feature.

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Generate data

Generate your template with AI

Use artificial intelligence to help you write a high-quality post template leveraging your data. Provide a sentence or 2 below about what the posts should be about. We'll also use your existing data as a guide.

At least 2 data rows must already exist before you can leverage this feature.

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Generate template

AI-Powered Campaign Brainstorming

Kickstart your creative process with our AI-driven feature. If you're running low on campaign ideas, simply click to activate AI. It will analyze trends and generate innovative campaign concepts tailored for your needs.

This will replace any existing data and template that you have entered for this campaign.

Generate campaign

We're still testing this feature. Because AI can produce inconsistent results, we recommend reviewing the AI-generated content before publishing. Some additional tweaks may be required.